Today marks day day 60 that Felicia and Alex were over in Romania. When they first took off, I wasn't really sure what to expect. And from what I can remember, neither was Feli. I remember at the time thinking that 10 weeks was such a long time for them to be away. Don't let anyone kid you, it is quite a long time for them to be away. But I think it's also been a good time.
I do know that Alex has had a grand time in Romania with his grandparents. And I also know that they have had a good time having him around. What's funny is watching him via Skype and videos that Feli takes of him. I think he's learned quite a bit of Romanian while he was there. Not speaking it, but definitely understanding it when spoken to him. It'd be rather interesting to determine who knows more, me or him. I think I'd win that one, but only by a small bit.
If you've been reading the blog or following the trip on Friendface, then I'm sure you've seen just how much he's grown over the past two months. I know that when I was there, he'd grown a bit, but over the last 4 weeks he really seems to have grown. And not just grown, but matured. He no longer looks like a baby, but looks like a little boy.
I will say that this time apart would definitely have been more painful if it weren't for the trip I took over there for 8 days. In retrospect, I should have taken a bit more time there (especially since it wouldn't have cost much more and could have happened in and around Memorial Day here in the States), but at least I as able to see them. I think that 10 full weeks would have been almost unbearable.
At least while they were away I was able to get some work done on the house. RIght now, I'm sitting in Alex's room in the glider rocker typing this blog entry. As I type this, I'm surrounded by not only his stuff, but a decent percentage of the furniture and stuff from the living and dining rooms. Why? Well, that's because while they were gone I had both the upstairs and the main level's wood floors done. The upstairs was a complete sand down and refinish (and man do they look different … you can see pictures on my Google+ account if you're interested).
The main level wasn't quite as invasive, though they were in much better shape too. Instead of a complete sand down, these were just screened and poly's. In fact, it was meant to be a single coat, but due to a technical glitch, our floor guy (if anyone needs a their floors done in DC, let us know, we can definitely recommend him) had to come back and redo the work. So now the main level has two coats of fresh polyurethane on it and do they look shiny.
So, now as the last 10 days speed past I can look forward to having squirbles and @felioland back from abroad. It's been a good time apart and now I'm ready to have them back home. But if you happen to think of them on Wednesday night and/or Thursday morning, could you say a little prayer for them? I'm not going to be able to help them as they travel back to the US and I'm sure the flight won't be the most fun thing they've ever done. I'm sure Feli will have something to say about it here in a little over a week.
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